I am catching up on editing now that I am getting healthier. I don’t know about all of you but I have been so sick this winter, especially these last few weeks! So thank you to my clients who have given me some grace on my editing time!
I decided it was time to do a super cute milestone blog post as I’ve had so many cute sitter sessions lately! 6-10 months old one of my favorite times to photograph! The babies can interact and are usually very happy and smiley. And also they usually can’t quite walk yet 😆 so it’s a little easier for me to capture a smiling face rather than the side of their face as they are running by me, lol. By 6 months old they have change so much but yet they are still very much a baby. It is such a special time and I feel honored that I get to see these babies grow up and thrive!
So enough rambling about how cute they are. without further a do, here are a few from recent milestone sessions!
Thank you for stopping by!
First up is Harper, 7 months old! What a character! So much personality in these pictures!

Next is little Kellen man! Again with the personality shining through these photos!

And then we have this adorable sweetie, Everly <3 She was a little stingy with smiles But eventually we got them :)

Next is Jack and you can see he was very generous with the smiles :)

Ty is up next! He killed me with those eyes😍

Last but not least, we have Madelyn! Madelyn isn’t quite as old as these other guys BUT these were too cute not to share <3 Love that smile!

That is all for now! To document your little ones next milestone contact me and we will get something set up!