Bohdi | Cake Smash Session

Hello all!

So it’s obvious I went a little over board with the sneak peak. I couldn’t stop editing… Bohdi did SOOOOO good at his cake smash session today! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a good smasher ;). This was probably the fastest session I have ever done but he flew through everything and ate almost all of his cake, FAST(LOL).

Cake smashes have become some of my favorite sessions. They are just a blast. Some babies sit and eat it little by little, some only want the frosting, some only want the actual cake part and some just ATTACK it. And that’s exactly what Bohdi did, it was so much fun to watch!

Bohdi’s session was the first cake smash in the new studio! The Studio is located in Davis Junction IL, just south of Rockford.

Thank you for stopping by!


Cade 6 Month Milestone

On this tiny Tuesday, Cade turned 6 months old!! 6 months is such a FUN milestone to do! The babies are still so little, cute & chubby yet they are able to sit up (most of the time) and smile and laugh! you can see their personality developing and I just love it! I look forward to these sessions so much, and its even better when I've done their newborn session. It's crazy to me how different they can look in such a short amount of time yet so similar!  

Here are just a few of my favorites from Cade's Session. This milestone session was done out at The Peterson Ranch. Schedule your session today! 

Thank you all for stopping by! 
